The Sin about Synthetic Drugs

It is becoming more alarming about the legal production and purchasing of illegal drugs in something known as Synthetic Drugs. In Australia, right now, you are able to get the strong effects of ecstasy, cocaine or cannabis straight over the counter as a result of the booming synthetic drug industry.


These people behind the crafty alternatives have become a new breed of ‘Drug Lord’ – untouchable, unstoppable and very, very rich.

The below video elaborates more on the issue and explains the struggle the Australian police and government are having with the illegal drug industry.

ABC: Synthetic Drugs

Energy Drinks


The concern for energy drinks is becoming popular; the dangers surrounding the sheer volume of energy stimulating products in the marketplace and the easy access to minors is receiving a lot of press.

While most energy drinks have less caffeine than a coffee, they are heavily dosed with sweetener making it easy to drink and thus make the product more appealing to the younger demographic.

As a result, we are seeing an increase in the incidents of the dangerous side effects surrounding energy drinks of those 18 and younger from consuming too many energy drinks at the one time.

The Top 10 dangers of drinking too many energy at one time include:

  1. Cardiac Arrest
  2. Headaches and Migraines
  3. Insomnia
  4. Type 2 Diabetes
  5. Drug Interaction
  6. Addiction
  7. Risky behaviour
  8. Jitters and Nervousness
  9. Vomiting
  10. Allergic reactions

energy drinks

From: Current Opinions in Pediatrics (Apr 2012)

ABC’s Catalyst has produced an episode based on the dangerous effects of consuming energy drinks as well as a true story concerning an overdose on energy drinks. Click the link below to watch.

Catalyst: Energy Drinks

Testing Times

Do you think it is beneficial to have a drug testing system in Australia, despite the fact that the law states that drugs are illegal and this may increase the amount of drug uses? Given that Australia is the leading country in the amount of deaths caused by drugs, watch this clip from 60 minutes on channel 9 and have a think about whether the drug testing system would be beneficial in Australia or not.

Testing Times
